The Da Vinci Plan


All students who are recommended for tutorial/enrichment support undergo a brief academic screening.  The screening session introduces the students to the center and the staff and will serve as a baseline for our goal-directed instruction.   Screening sessions typically range from 30-45 minutes and will assist our Directors in creating a customized learning plan for each individual’s unique needs.

Learning Plan

The customized learning plan is created taking into account the student’s strengths, learning style and areas of in need of improvement.  All plans include specific recommendations for evidence-based teaching strategies and scientifically proven instructional tools.

Progress Monitoring

Students progress is monitored both quantitatively and qualitatively.  Weekly spot checks are made utilizing both formal and informal assessment tools.  Students maintain learning journals that help to motivate and reflect on progress made.

Consultation and Conferencing

Student progress is reviewed on an ongoing basis.  Informal reviews are conducted by the directors at set intervals between benchmark periods (fall, winter, spring, mid-summer).  Progress is shared and celebrated with the students, tutors and parents.  If necessary adjustments to learning plans are made and goals are realigned.  Formal reviews are made at each benchmark and conferences are scheduled to review any concerns, needs or questions that may exist.

Assistive Technology Consulting

Assistive technology consultations are provided on request. Special consideration is made to ensure students have access to information digitally and that they are able to communicate effectively with their teachers. Recommendations and training for different software applications are provided specific for the level of accommodation needed. These recommendations include apps for G Suite for Education, Microsoft and Apple products, and smartphone devices. Training and support is provided for students and teachers. Parent meetings can be scheduled to ensure continuity of use at school and at home.